Facilitation of each course takes three days, during which time a workbook is completed. After the facilitation, a Portfolio of Evidence must be completed based on the outcome based education process where learners provide evidence of practical application. This portfolio must be handed in within 8 weeks after facilitation, where after a 3 hour closed book summative exam is written. The learner must display competence in the workbook as well as portfolio of evidence in order to be admitted to the summative exam.
Learners who have been found to be Not Yet Competent in any part of the skills program will be advised of the Not Yet Competent Components and will be given Ninety days (90 days) to submit supplementary evidence to obtain competence. These learners will be re-assessed on submission of work, learners who do not comply with re-submission requirements will be uploaded in terms of the competencies achieved and the files will be closed. The learner will then have to re-register to complete Unit Standards that they were Not Yet Competent in.
All work is assessed and independently moderated, and then verified by an INSETA appointed verifier, and once this is completed, Alcari will issue a statement of credits and information will be uploaded onto the National Learner Record Database.
We also assist with the uploading of the concession granted by INSETA for matriculants who provide us with certified copies of their matric certificates for the fundamentals of communication, mathematical and financial literacy.
Over the past 5 years we have experienced a number of learners who have enrolled and completed the training courses, but who, for a variety of reasons have not completed the Portfolio of Evidence and summative exam, and who therefore cannot be deemed competent. It has therefore become a requirement that we implement a withdrawal procedure with effect from January 2012.
Learners will be given the required cut off dates on the facilitation date, and reminded about the follow up procedures after the 8 week period is over and once more after 6 months. Thereafter learners who have not made specific arrangements will be removed from the assessment process and will have to re-register.